Ijunad Junaid Ijunad Junaid

Wild Forests & Folktales

Ijunad examines the Industrial Revolution as a pivotal historical moment during which nature was construed as a "benevolent" refuge from urban deprivation to be pristinely preserved, much to the distress of displaced Indigenous populations. He reflects on how the portrayal of nature as pure and benevolent influenced conservation efforts devoid of human involvement. He contrasts this narrow depiction of nature with the complex narratives found in Maldivian folklore and mythology, which refrain from anthropomorphizing nature but rather instill lessons to treat the environment with reverence and respect.

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Ijunad Junaid Ijunad Junaid

Unearthing The Nature Gap

Unveiling the stark realities of environmental racism and extractivism, Ijunad Junaid writes on the deeply entrenched barriers that restrict access to nature for marginalized communites. This piece exposes how historical injustices, profit-driven exploitation, and the transformation of natural spaces into commodities perpetuate a cycle of inequity, urging us to confront these systemic issues and strive for a more inclusive and harmonious relationship between humanity and the environment.

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Ijunad Junaid Ijunad Junaid


In this piece, Ijunad Junaid, Maldivian environmental storyteller, reflects on his experience with climate activism — moving away from mass civil disobedience towards activism rooted in regenerative cultures. Ijunad writes that resilient communities and space for healing and reconnection creates a shift in consciousness through which we can begin to dismantle systems of hyper-individualism, mass consumerism and patterns of extraction.

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